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Quietly Powerful: How your quiet nature is your hidden leadership strength
Too much talent is being wasted in organisations where biases exist not only against minority groups but also against certain leadership styles. Because of our traditional view of a ‘strong’ leader, talented quieter professionals, both men and women, are overlooked due to their style and impression before they are given the opportunity to demonstrate their competence and substance.
- The cost of undervaluing our quiet nature
- How introversion is not the only reason why people remain quiet and hidden
- The value of quietly powerful leadership and why we need them now, more than ever
- How to develop quietly powerful attributes and skills
- How to find and develop the hidden talent as organisational leaders, HR, leadership and diversity & inclusion practitioners
Ultimately the book is an invitation for all of us to start expanding our view of good leadership. Given there is plenty of evidence that the current quality of leadership leaves a lot to be desired, this book provides an avenue to enhance the quality of leadership. In doing so, it also increases the likelihood of making more progress on diversity in leadership.
You can download the first couple of chapters HERE
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Released November 2019

Australia: from $12.00
International: from $30.00
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Start inspiring, stop driving: Unlock your team’s potential to outperform and grow
At a time when organisations are expected to deliver more with less, the ability to extract dormant talent and grow capability in teams is a major competitive advantage. If you lead a team and feel the pressure to perform and deliver, you need to Start Inspiring, Stop Driving.
Think of a time when you worked with someone who truly brought the best out in you. However they did it, you felt compelled to perform at your absolute best; to stretch beyond that of which you thought you were capable; to learn from your mistakes; and to achieve things you never thought possible. How many of those people have you worked with? How many people would count you as one of those people who inspired them to be their best?
Imagine if more people felt inspired to contribute their best talents: what could you achieve as a team or organisation?
- How talent remain dormant in organisations
- Why inspiring unlocks dormant talent
- What an inspired team looks like
- How to build a team that’s inspired to outperform
- How to close the knowing-doing gap as a leader

Australia: From $12.00
International: From $30.00
Please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to obtain shipping costs for orders larger than 12.
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This book can be purchased at Apple Books, Amazon Kindle, and RKobo.