White paper: Quietly Powerful -Thrive on your own terms as a quieter professional

It is challenging when talented professionals are naturally quieter as many workplaces don’t see it as leader-like. They are regularly told to speak up, promote themselves and be more assertive to get ahead. Too many talented quieter professionals who contribute a lot fail to get noticed, recognised or are overlooked. The white paper outlines a way for these professionals to become quietly powerful and thrive by using their natural qualities more fully.

Download the full whitepaper here

White paper: Hidden Talent – 7 Reasons Why You May Be Losing Your Best Leadership Talent and What’s It Costing Your Organisation

You may be losing the best leadership talent without knowing it, as hidden talent is overlooked, becomes frustrated and disengages.

Some of your best leadership talent may be hiding in plain sight. Humble, quiet achievers who have the potential to be outstanding leaders are often overlooked for leadership roles and development opportunities as they don’t push themselves forward or even see themselves as leaders.

Download the full whitepaper here


White paper: From Invisible to Impact

The five under-utilised techniques for quiet professionals to have impact in meetings… even when you think there’s nothing to say

Download the full whitepaper here



White paper: Rethink Diversity for Competitive Advantage

The ability to attract and leverage diverse talent is a business opportunity that not many organisations are exploiting successfully. What are you doing to get ahead and create this competitive advantage?

Download the full whitepaper here



White paper: Step Up

Address performance and behaviour issues before they turn sour. 

Download the full whitepaper here



White paper: Inspire to Outperform

Have you ever wondered why some teams are able to deliver so much more quality and quantity with the same or fewer resources? Find out what it takes to inspire rather than drive performance. It is how dormant human potential – individual and collective – are unlocked.

Download the full whitepaper here